Projects from the Wolfram Summer Research Program

Vision-Based Websites Correlations Analysis

Nicolò Monti

Mapping the Trajectory of Points via Ocean Currents

Karan Chakravarthy

Multiway Sandpile Models with Applications to LCFTs

Damian Musk

Generate Super Mario Bros. Levels

Samion Suwito

Optimizing Traffic Light Timings in Simulated Cities

Henry Gustafson

Exploring Quantum Cellular Automata with the Wolfram Quantum Paclet

Joseph Stocke

Multiway Sequential Cellular Automata

Margaux Wong

Multicomputational Polynomials

Latika Sreenath

Finding Trends in Word Changes across Languages

Mansi Singh

Selecting Flowers by Color

Allison Chow

Creating Standardized Camera Moves for Looking at 3D Graphics

Arianna Cao

Generating Crossword Puzzles out of a Given Set of Words

Aruj Bansal

Multiway Graph for Connect 4

Aryan Maskara

Determine Keywords for a Programming Language from Code Snippets

Allen Tian

Do Planes near Airports Tend to Fly over Greenspace?

Anthony Lee

Converting Images to String Art

Danae Dresiou

Propagated Jazz Improvisation for Walking Bass Lines

William Wei

Improving the Colorblind Friendliness of an Image

Gabriel Yang

To Find Craters on the Surface of the Moon

Gia Sareen

Boolean Logic in SK Combinators

Gleb Rusyaev

Exploring Subatomic Particles & Collisions in Class 4 Cellular Automata Using AI

Harini Thiagarajan

What Punctuation Should Be Added to a String of Text?

Hozaifa Bhutta

Calculate Efficient Moves to Clear Balls from a Billiard Table

Hyunjae Chung

Locate and Analyze Food Deserts in the USA

Jason Chae

Extract the Laws of Physics from Videos of Bouncing Balls

Josh Liu

Ranking US States by "Flyoverness"

Stephen Jones

Create Greek Columns with Different Depths of Flutes and Fillets

Mahira Hafeez

Given a Sentence, Predict the Writer's Native Language

Muskan Mahajan

Create Molecules with a Particular Boiling Point

Maiyun Zhang

Number of Ommatidia Required by Fruit Flies to Read

Nidhi Noronha

Matching National Flag Images with Emojis

Nikhil Sunkad

Classification of English Language Adjectives

Nora Popescu

Determine Templates to Guess Passwords

Sophie Chen

Generate Step-by-Step Diagram-Based Instructions for Video Dances

Shivansh Gupta

Computationally Generating Music Given Lyrics

Sohum Bajaj

Analyze "the Drop" in EDM Songs

Suhaan Mobhani

Optimizing Multilayered Neural Networks on Boolean Functions

Taein Kim

Explore Triple Color Mobile Automata

Sophyreath Thun

Optimal Sorting Networks with Respect to Cost Criteria

Victor Zhou

Prediction Methods for Locating A-Helices after Protein Folding

Zara Hayat

Sentiment and Frequency Analysis across Time on the Office Subreddit

Zoya Brahimzadeh

Analyze the Multiway Graph of Mancala

Alvin Zhang

Analyzing Emoji Use across Global Subreddits

Sajal Shukla

Color Distance for Colorblind People

Sasha Pazoki

From Pictures of Animals, Try to Reconstruct the Tree of Life

Maya Viswanathan

Exploring the Divergence in Pronunciations of Chinese Characters

Emily Do

Red Blood Cell Analysis from a 2D Microscopic Image of Blood

Trisha Bagri