Wolfram Summer School
A unique educational and career opportunity to learn and do projects at the frontiers of science, technology and innovation. Learn how to apply Wolfram's unique approach to creating ideas and turning them into research, products and companies. Learn More

Wolfram High School Summer Research Program
A project-based research opportunity for motivated high-school students to move beyond the cutting edge of computational thinking and artificial intelligence. The program is a unique opportunity for entrepreneurial and STEM-minded high-school students to learn how to develop and explore science and technology. Learn More

Wolfram Middle School Summer Camp
An interactive, workshop-based camp, introducing middle-school girls to cutting-edge programming, computational thinking and innovative technology. The camp is a unique opportunity for entrepreneurial and technical middle-school girls to explore science and technology. Learn More

Wolfram Emerging Leaders Program
A unique opportunity to fuel your intellectual curiosity by diving deep into your chosen field, accelerating your computational thinking and collaborating with the next generation of innovators, researchers and explorers. The Wolfram Emerging Leaders Program is designed to extend and elevate learning for high school and undergraduate students who successfully completed a Wolfram Summer Program Learn More

Wolfram Science Winter School
The Wolfram Science Winter School offers students an unprecedented opportunity to contribute to basic research projects in which Stephen Wolfram and colleagues are involved, including the Wolfram Physics Project and new paradigms that apply multicomputational thinking to the study of technological and natural systems. Learn More

Computational Adventures
Computational Adventures is designed for curious students and hobbyists to deep dive into computational thinking. Adventurers receive a set of 12 problems and mini-projects to solve, ranging from math to text analysis to computational art. Computational Adventures is suitable for individuals and groups and is entirely asynchronous. Learn More