Wolfram Summer School
A unique educational and career opportunity. Learn how to apply Wolfram’s unique approach to creating ideas and turning them into research, products and companies. We value diversity and inclusion in education and strongly encourage applicants from all backgrounds to apply.

Find the Track That’s Right for You…

Wolfram Physics Project and Foundational Science
Help advance the foundational study of computation and contribute to the development of new techniques that probe fundamental questions about algorithmic behavior, the greater structures generated by computation and the prospect of computationally constructing objects and systems that model our world. Students can participate in the Wolfram Physics Project or explore the prospect of multicomputation with application to mathematics, molecular biology and other fields.
Science & Technology
Do original research at the frontiers of science, create the next big tech innovation or dive into the future of large language models (LLMs) and AI with Wolfram technology. Join a collection of students with a diverse range of scientific backgrounds to learn hands on from senior staff at Wolfram how to apply Wolfram’s unique approach to creating ideas and turning them into original research, products and companies.

NKS and Ruliology
Explore the world of simple programs, find what strange creatures exist in it and pursue them for further study. Take the computational universe as an abstracted analog of nature and study how things work in it. Combining experimental science, abstract science and theory, apply the concepts of A New Kind of Science to original research and explore the pure basic science of what simple rules do.
Educational Innovation
Bring computational thinking to the classroom. Join a collection of individuals who want to make a difference in education. Unlock the full potential of AI tools in education with our curated data and powerful algorithms. Learn how to develop educational materials and products with the Wolfram technologies that will make computational programming in education accessible to everyone.

Philosophy & Strategy
This track is designed for visionaries, entrepreneurs and strategic thinkers who aspire to approach AI and computation beyond the technical horizon. Engage at the forefront of discussions on the ethical, societal and existential implications of AI and advanced computing. Collaborate with a diverse group of peers and Wolfram experts to explore innovative business models, strategic governance and philosophical inquiries.
Meet the Faculty

Stephen Wolfram
Chief Project Advisor
Mads Bahrami
Academic Director
Xerxes Arsiwalla
Wolfram Physics Director
Robert Nachbar
Nikolay Murzin
InstructorProjects from the Wolfram Summer School
- 23rd Annual Wolfram Summer School
- Bentley University, Waltham, MA, USA
- June 22–July 11, 2025