Brian LuValle
In this project, gliders will be automatically found and their interactions cataloged so that a description of the system's behavior can be composed. This description of behavior will be compared to the universal logical gates and also the network of the universal elementary cellular automaton rule 110's glider interactions. This project can be split into a set of deliverables. First, structures must be isolated from their background pattern; these structures will be taken as structures in a reverse trapezoidal form rather than squares. Second, the average position of the structures with respect to each other will be found. Third, the gliders will be cataloged based on their position, and gliders found next to each other will be cataloged as one single glider. Fourth, at the termination point of each glider, the resulting glider will be searched for and cataloged. Fifth, the catalog of interactions will be reduced and will be pattern matched to see whether it can be equivalent to either universal logical gates or cellular automaton 110's glider interactions. This will be tested on rule 624.