I'm Albert Yusupov. My hobby is self-improvement. I have been writing programs for several years. I have read almost all of War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. Now I'm working on a big noncommercial project as a software designer.
Project: Latent Semantic Analysis and Prediction of Clustering Using Semantic Networks

This Demonstration shows text clustering using latent semantic analysis (LSA) and tries to place text with new words into the clusters with a modified algorithm using semantic networks. The first part of the Demonstration uses LSA. Usual LSA algorithms use hundreds of thousands of texts as the learning set. This Demonstration is interesting since my modified algorithm works with only nine data points. If I use the usual algorithm, I will not be able to find relationships between another given sentence and the clusters that I gained using LSA. The program cannot analyze texts with words it does not know. That's why I developed my own modification using semantic networks.