Wolfram Summer School

As a unique opportunity to do a research project, students learn how to apply Stephen Wolfram’s unique approach to creating ideas and turning them into products and companies that use Wolfram technologies. Their projects start with an idea, and by the end of the program, that idea has been developed into a working prototype that allows the students to pursue their ideas afterward. Projects are done under the supervision of leading developers from Wolfram Research.

Schedule Outline

Week 0: Before the Summer School

Week 1: June 22– 27, 2025

  • Basics of implementing projects with the Wolfram Language (lectures)
  • Personal case studies in innovation (lectures)
  • Live innovation and coding sessions
  • Mentor pairing and project selection with Stephen Wolfram

Week 2: June 30–July 4, 2025

  • Hands-on, in-depth training on Wolfram Language technology development
  • Lectures and discussions on computational thinking and current strategies
  • Guided and solo project time
  • Special-topic lectures (previous topics have included science-based careers, how to pick a research project, how to write a paper and how to start a technology company, as well as outlines of physics, aspects of scientific history and much more)

Week 3: July 7–10, 2025

  • Guided and solo project time
  • Presentation and Community post preparation
  • Final student presentation