Educators can use this opportunity to develop education tools using Wolfram technologies. The first phase will be training, which includes a series of lectures and hand-on talks on educational innovation by leading educators from academia and developers from Wolfram Research. The focus of potential projects will be to change the way people learn and teach—for example, creating tools for students to use or management platforms for teachers. The lectures in this track will help educators learn how to use what is already available from Wolfram Research, and the staff will be able to share their experience in making educational technologies.
Schedule OutlineWeek 0: Before Summer School:
- Students will be provided with self-training tools and exercises in using the Wolfram Language
- Suggested reading: A New Kind of Science and An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language
Week 1: June 23 – June 28, 2024
- Basics of implementing projects with the Wolfram Language (lectures)
- Personal case studies in educational innovation (lectures)
- Live innovation and coding sessions
- Mentor pairing and project selection with Stephen Wolfram
Week 2: July 1 – July 5, 2024
- Hands-on, in-depth training on Wolfram Language technology development
- Lectures and discussions on computational thinking and current strategies
- Guided and solo project time
- Special-topic lectures (previous topics have included science-based careers, how to pick a research project, how to write a paper and how to start a technology company, as well as outlines of physics, aspects of scientific history and much more)
Week 3: July 8 – July 11, 2024
- Guided and solo project time
- Presentation and Wolfram Community post preparation
- Final student presentation
- 23rd Annual Wolfram Summer School
- Bentley University, Waltham, MA, USA
- June 22–July 11, 2025