The New Kind of Science and Ruliology Track offers students the opportunity to work on a new paradigm based on computation and on the exploration of the computational universe of possible programs, and studying the detailed properties of systems with simple rules.
Building upon Stephen Wolfram’s original idea on A New Kind of Science, and its implications, e.g., Ruliology, each student project will be mentored by those at the forefront of current research (including Stephen Wolfram himself). The projects start with an idea, and by the end of the program, that idea has been developed into a working prototype that allows the students to pursue their ideas afterward.
Schedule OutlineWeek 0: Before the Summer School
- Students will be provided with self-training tools and exercises in using the Wolfram Language
- Suggested reading: A New Kind of Science and An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language
Week 1: June 22–27, 2025
- Basics of implementing projects with the Wolfram Language (lectures)
- Personal case studies in innovation (lectures)
- Live innovation and coding sessions
- Mentor pairing and project selection with Stephen Wolfram
Week 2: June 30–July 4, 2025
- Hands-on, in-depth training on Wolfram Language technology development
- Lectures and discussions on computational thinking and current strategies
- Guided and solo project time
- Special-topic lectures (previous topics have included science-based careers, how to pick a research project, how to write a paper and how to start a technology company, as well as outlines of physics, aspects of scientific history and much more)
Week 3: July 7–10, 2025
- Guided and solo project time
- Presentation and Community post preparation
- Final student presentation
- 23rd Annual Wolfram Summer School
- Bentley University, Waltham, MA, USA
- June 22–July 11, 2025