When and where is the Summer School held?
The Summer School will run from June 22–July 11, 2025. There is a virtual, preparatory Week Zero, June 16–20, which has required components for the Wolfram Physics Project and Foundational Science track, and will be held online. Summer School will be held in person at Bentley University in Waltham, MA, USA. This is intended to be an immersive experience and will have instructional, social and project-based programming seven days a week.
How old do I have to be to attend?
Students must be 18 years or older by June 15, 2025. Some exceptions may be possible.
What is the cancellation policy?
A full refund may be issued if a student provides written notification that they must cancel at least two weeks before the school begins.
What is involved in doing a project at the Summer School?
Students are each assigned a project mentor. Students and their mentors will meet with Stephen Wolfram to discuss project ideas and final project assignments. Projects almost invariably involve computer experiments programmed in the Wolfram Language. At the end of the Summer School, students present their projects individually.
How are the projects at the Summer School chosen?
Projects are chosen to fit the career and educational objectives of each student. Students are encouraged to think about potential projects before the Summer School (see
projects from last year for some ideas). Final projects are chosen during the first week of the Summer School, in consultation with Stephen Wolfram and with the student’s mentor.
What is Stephen Wolfram’s involvement in the Summer School?
The school is set up so that every student has an opportunity to interact with Stephen Wolfram. Stephen Wolfram usually does one or two individual meetings with each student, works on picking projects, participates in many group discussions and offers ongoing suggestions about projects. He also gives lectures on strategic topics and attends student presentations.
How long is the Summer School?
The Summer School is three weeks at the in-person location in Waltham, MA, USA. There is a virtual, preparatory Week Zero prior to the in-person school that also has required components.
How much does the Summer School cost?
Group lodging, meals, technical and facility fees for the three-week in-person session will cost $4,000 USD.
Is financial support available for the Summer School?
There is no stipend available. Financial aid may be approved to help pay the technical/facility fees. In the future, some additional funding may be available.
Do I need to have a computer?
Every student at the Summer School needs to possess a reliable computer. Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems are all acceptable. Built-in wireless networking capability is required. Software for computation and collaboration for the Summer School will be provided.
Do I have to be in person?
Yes, students in the Wolfram Summer School are expected to join the program on the Bentley University campus for the duration of the program.
Do you provide accommodation?
Yes, the registration fee includes three weeks of dormitory accommodation on the Bentley University campus.
Do you provide transportation?
No, transportation to and from Bentley University is not included nor provided.
Do you provide food?
Yes, the registration fee includes a meal plan at the Bentley University dining hall, 3 meals per day, 7 days per week for the duration of the program. Special dietary restrictions and requests must be made in advance, no later than May 15, 2025.
What criteria are used for selecting students?
We’re looking for people for whom the Summer School can really make a difference and can help launch them into doing important work. We like to see evidence of an ability to carry out a project to a high level of quality.
Do you provide assistance or special accommodations?
Individuals needing assistance or special accommodation to fully participate in the program should make their needs known, in writing, by May 15, 2025.
Have any Summer School students gone on to work for Wolfram Research?
Yes, some of our most talented attendees have been offered positions at Wolfram Research.
Want to learn more?
Contact us at
Health and Safety
What is the Summer School’s COVID-19 policy?
Wolfram Research will be following the US Federal and State of Massachusetts requirements in place at the time of the event.
Wolfram Science and Technology
Who is the Science and Tech track for?
It’s intended for anyone interested in developing innovative ideas (research or business) and implementing them with technology. We expect students to be technology savvy, but they can be at various stages in their formal education or careers. We expect college and graduate students, as well as early- and mid-career individuals ready to energetically pursue innovation. We encourage entrepreneurs to apply.
What happens at the Summer School?
It’s a mixture of lectures, individual interactions with instructors and a project. Each student is expected to do a substantial research project, which will be at least the beginning of material suitable for a published paper.
What preparation is needed?
Students should have a working knowledge of the Wolfram Language, which is used as the primary tool at the Summer School. All students are strongly suggested to have read
An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language by Stephen Wolfram at least once. Note that during Week Zero, we will provide students with online classes in Mathematica and the Wolfram Language.
Does the Summer School cater only to scientists?
No. Our students have also included engineers, artists and educators. What’s needed is an ability to take a rigorous scientific approach and an ability to absorb material of the type that can be explored with Wolfram technologies.
Is the Science and Tech track an incubator program?
Our goal at the Summer School is to help students learn how to develop innovative ideas and implement them with technology. We expect students will often use their knowledge in entrepreneurial business activities, and for students who are interested, mentoring on business issues will be available.
Wolfram Physics Project and Foundational Science
Who is the Wolfram Physics Project and Foundational Science track for?
The Wolfram Physics Project and Foundational Science track is aimed at students interested in working on the Wolfram Physics Project or in the area of Foundational Science, to include fields such as fundamental physics, mathematics and multicomputation. Those interested in applied areas of physics are better suited for the Science and Tech track.
NKS and Ruliology
Who is the NKS and Ruliology track for?
The New Kind of Science and Ruliology Track offers students the opportunity to work on a new paradigm based on computation and on the exploration of the computational universe of possible programs, and studying the detailed properties of systems with simple rules.
Building upon Stephen Wolfram’s original idea on
A New Kind of Science, and its implications, e.g., Ruliology, each student project will be mentored by those at the forefront of current research (including Stephen Wolfram himself). The projects start with an idea, and by the end of the program, that idea has been developed into a working prototype that allows the students to pursue their ideas afterward.
Wolfram Education Innovation
Who is the Education Innovation track for?
It is intended for individuals who want to make a difference in education by taking what they learn about developing educational materials and products with the Wolfram Language and helping to make programming in education accessible to everyone. This track is suited to educators, people studying education and individuals with experience in education technology.
Philosophy and Strategy
Who is the Philosophy and Strategy track for?
This track is specifically tailored for visionaries, entrepreneurs, and strategic thinkers who wish to delve into AI and computation beyond the technical realm. Engage in in-depth discussions at the forefront of ethical, societal, and existential implications of AI and advanced computing. This track offers a unique opportunity to delve into the profound philosophical inquiries surrounding these technologies.
For International Students
What language is used at the Summer School?
All instruction, workshops, exercises and homework will be provided in English.
Visa Information
Please be advised that Wolfram Research cannot intervene with any US Embassy abroad or within the US Department of State on behalf of any Summer School student.
For further information, please refer to the US State Department website for information about
visitor visas or