Stephen Wolfram
Stephen Wolfram is the author of A New Kind of Science and the principal lecturer at the Summer School. He is the creator of Mathematica, the creator of Wolfram|Alpha and the founder and CEO of Wolfram Research. Having started in science as a teenager (he got his PhD at age 20), Wolfram had a highly successful early career in academia. He began his work on NKS in 1981 and spent ten years writing the NKS book, published in 2002. Over the course of 30 years, Wolfram has mentored a large number of individuals who have achieved great success in academia, business and elsewhere. Starting the NKS Summer School (now called the Wolfram Summer School) was his first formal educational undertaking in 16 years.Directors

Catherine Boucher
Program Director
Catherine Boucher joined Wolfram Research in 1998. She led project management during the production of A New Kind of Science and is currently the director of special projects for Wolfram Research. Her team is responsible for early development of new initiatives at Wolfram Research, along with projects related to Wolfram Science. She and her team led the original development of Wolfram|Alpha and currently handle its mathematical content and parser development. Catherine received her PhD in applied mathematics from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, specializing in cluster analysis.

Todd Rowland
Academic Director
Todd Rowland assisted Stephen Wolfram with mathematical issues found in A New Kind of Science chapters 5, 9 and 12. Before joining the NKS team in 2001, he wrote entries for MathWorld. Todd received his PhD from the University of Chicago in 1999, where he studied traditional mathematics, such as algebraic and differential geometry. Currently, he is the managing editor of Complex Systems . His interests include the fundamental theory of physics, and more recently education, both NKS and the Wolfram Language.

David Reiss
David Reiss has been involved with Mathematica in one way or another since before it was born. As a graduate student at Caltech, another new grad student introduced him and others to Macsyma, which they used by connecting a 300-baud modem on a dial-up line via the ARPANET to a PDP-11 at MIT. With his thesis done in theoretical physics, he then went on an adventure-filled path through several postdocs, a government R&D laboratory, assorted other companies, some startups, working for that other grad student as his scientific communication director for A New Kind of Science and, these days, doing a variety of consulting work mainly using Mathematica. His approach to doing science is to plead ignorance about whatever problem is posed to him and then just dive in. Mathematica is his ideal tool for this. He lives in the Boston area and has a parrot with a very limited vocabulary and a college-age daughter with a vast vocabulary. His is somewhere in between.

Jason Cawley
Jason Cawley first discussed the ideas in A New Kind of Science with Stephen Wolfram in the early 1990s, and read early drafts of the work around that time. In the last few years before publication, Jason worked for Stephen Wolfram as a research assistant on historical and philosophical issues, including many topics covered in the notes. Jason's graduate studies were in political science at the University of Chicago, and his wide-ranging interests include philosophy, social science, economics, finance and the history of thought. After the book was published, Jason created and moderated the NKS Forum, answering reader questions about NKS. Jason then worked for Wolfram Research developing Mathematica's capabilities in the social sciences, including the development of CountryData and FinancialData. He worked on the Wolfram|Alpha project from its inception to its public release, including much of its social science content. For the last five years, Jason has been Director of Architecture at Wolfram Solutions, the consulting arm of Wolfram Research, bringing its technologies and methods to a wide range of corporate and government clients. He lives in Anthem, Arizona.

Kovas Boguta
Kovas Boguta joined the Stephen Wolfram Science Group in 2003. Kovas earned a BA in mathematics from the University of Chicago; however, his NKS education began at a much younger age, playing the Game of Life and Rocky's Boots. At Wolfram Research, Kovas worked on a variety of projects, including NKS-related Mathematica development and NKS outreach/education.

Matthew Szudzik
Matthew Szudzik made significant contributions to A New Kind of Science from 1998 through 2000 and during the summer of 2001 as a research assistant to Stephen Wolfram. His work focused primarily on the analysis of simple programs and on the theoretical foundations of computational mathematics. He holds a PhD in mathematical logic from Carnegie Mellon University. Matthew Szudzik has also worked as a special lecturer and as an assistant teaching professor of mathematics at Carnegie Mellon’s campuses in Pennsylvania and Qatar.
Michael Schreiber
Michael Schreiber received his PhD from Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) for his dissertation on support systems for university development. He has consulted for various organizations and taught marketing at WU. Throughout his career he has made many and various contributions to art events and systems conferences in Europe. For the last several years he has engaged in NKS research using Mathematica. He has authored more than 350 Demonstrations.

Paul-Jean Letourneau
Paul-Jean Letourneau attended the NKS Summer School 2004, where he completed a pure NKS project on elementary cellular automata with memory. He has been an instructor at the Summer School since 2005. His 2004 project developed into his master's thesis in theoretical physics, "Statistical Mechanics of Cellular Automata with Memory." He has worked in several industrial and academic laboratories around North America, where he made original contributions to real-world problems in medical imaging, geophysical seismic imaging, protein structure prediction and DNA-protein interactions. Paul-Jean is now lead developer of computational biology for Wolfram|Alpha.

Richard Phillips
Richard Phillips was a student at the first NKS Summer School in 2003. He joined Wolfram Research after that, and since then he has worked on NKS- and Mathematica-related projects. During his formal education he received a BA in physics and theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge and an MSc in computer science at Bristol University building a system for Mobile Software.