Ph.D. in Physics
Dean of College of Arts and Sciences Emeritus, NYIT
Computational Essay: A general method of solving differential equations
Project: Teaching and learning with smart phone and Wolfram Language for all students
This project integrates the Wolfram Language and apps such as the Wolfram Cloud, Wolfram Player and Wolfram|Alpha with smartphones to enhance the engagement and interest of students toward Mathematica. A few samples have been provided here to allow students to compare book knowledge with real-life experiences.
Summary of Results
We have chosen various hands-on applications of the Wolfram Language in audio signal analysis as the backbone of the study. The results have demonstrated that the approach is engaging and effective in attracting students’ attention and interest.
Future Work
It is expected that we will roll out the integration of the Wolfram Language and smartphones in teaching and learning to the entire freshmen class in the next year or two. This new way of teaching and learning will change the culture of the institution for years to come.