Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

Wolfram Summer School


Viviana Letizia

Technology and Innovation

Class of 2018


Viviana Letizia is the managing editor for scientific peer-reviewed journals related to software and nuclear instrumentation publications. She holds a PhD in applied mathematics, with a thesis on microscopic models for Fourier’s law. Her passions within open science include posing questions on how technology is creating an open, transparent and collaborative research endeavor and finding new ways to measure research output and the role of data in developing a robust and trustworthy research environment. The Wolfram Summer School will surely help her with the knowledge she needs.

Computational Essay

Central Limit Theorem »

Project: Screening Test Framework for a Notebook Submission


In order to verify if the set of guidelines of a notebook submission are respected, we created a test framework code for the computational essay. The main specification is to read the essay in notebook and generate a feedback report.

Main Results in Detail

  • 1. Identify the set of guidelines.
  • 2. Match them between the submission and the required guidelines.

Future Work

  • 1. Implementation of future specifications required by author’s guidelines.
  • 2. An automatic check of references using iThenticate.
  • 3. An automatic check of the Wolfram Data Repository.
  • 4. Automatic check of the software repository using GitHub
  • 5. Integration of keywords and a reviewers database.