Wolfram Summer School


Jorge Carabali Caicedo

Science and Technology

Class of 2018


Jorge Carabali is a mechanical engineering student from Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia. He is interested in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and mechatronics. Currently, he is working on drag reduction for medium-sized trucks. He joined a research group in Aerospace Development in 2016 and a research group in Fluid Dynamics in 2017. He is pursuing work in research around these topics following graduate studies.

Computational Essay: Bending of a Thin Plate

Project: Build a link between Wolfram Language and OpenFOAM

Project Overview

The Mathematica mesh is made out of tetrahedron elements and the mesh of the dictionary BlockMesh is made out of hexahedrons , thus increasing the complexity of obtaining geometries translated from Mathematica to OpenFOAM. The mesh obtained so far is a cuboid element discretized inside the Wolfram Language and passed on to a comprehensive OpenFOAM mesh, the second attempt to get a pipe region mesh to OpenFOAM failed due to the increased complexity but gives the opportunity to explore interesting programming, since many factors must keep in account to translate into a OpenFOAM valid mesh, such as ; faces must point outward the surface, when a hexahedron collapses into a tetrahedron the vertices must keep in track in order to keep the mesh consistency and so forth.