Wolfram Summer School


Petre Anghelescu

Summer School

Class of 2011


Petre Anghelescu was born in Corbi, Arges, Romania, in 1977. He received a BE degree in applied electronics from the University of Pitesti, Romania, in 2002 and an MTech in intelligent communication systems and PhD degrees in electronics engineering and telecommunications from the University of Pitesti, Romania in 2004 and 2008, respectively. In 2002 he joined the department of electronics, communication, and computers at the University of Pitesti as an assistant; in 2009 he became a PhD lecturer.

His current research project, PN II-RU PD 369/2010 (contract no. 10/02.08.2010), financed by the Romanian Ministry of Education, Research, and Innovation, involves developing algorithms based on cellular automata theory for the protection of information stored or transmitted in network systems. His research focuses on methods of computational and artificial intelligence, mainly on bio-inspired systems—cellular automata, self-adaptation, self-organizational systems, and reconfigurable computing.

Project: Exploring Hybrid Cellular Automata (HCA) for Cryptographic Applications

The main objective of the project is the design and the analysis of an HCA based pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) with properties that make it suitable for use in cryptography. As the development of HCA-based applications is generally an experimental effort, the project implies the exploration, through simulation, of a huge space of CA local rules and global states. In this project, it is shown how a series of simple elements called “cells” interact using certain rules and topologies to form a larger system that acts like a PRNG. This is used to encrypt/decrypt data using an XOR logic function.

Favorite Four-Color Totalistic Cellular Automaton

Rule 500243