Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

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Wolfram High School
Summer Research Program

Formerly known as the Wolfram High School Summer Camp

Bentley University, Boston, MA June 25–July 12, 2025


Allison Chow

Class of 2022


Allison has a passion for business, working with youth and music. Outside of school, she works at a financial advisory firm as an accountant and marketing manager and hopes to run her own business in the future. She is interested in how computer science intersects business and solves real-world problems. Allison also enjoys working with youth, including leading activities to welcome new students and running her own engineering camp for middle-school girls. Her musical interests include singing, playing the piano and composing original pieces. On the side, Allison is an avid gardener, dog lover and master of whipping up culinary delights.

Project: Selecting Flowers by Color