Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can attend the Wolfram Spring Program?

The Wolfram Spring Program accepts students in years 9–13. We sometimes accept students in year 8, but we are unable to accept students who have turned 18 before the start of the program. Students should have an interest and background in a STEM subject, but computer science and coding skills are not required.

Where will the program take place?

The program is located at Dean Close School, near Cheltenham. Students will need to arrive on campus by 8:45am and leave campus at 6pm. Students will need to bring a packed lunch and any snacks they would like during the day. We do not allow nuts inside the classroom.

Who leads the Wolfram Spring Program?

A team of Wolfram education experts will be running the program. This team includes the directors from the Wolfram High School Summer Research Program and education experts from Wolfram Research Europe. Best known for Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica, Wolfram Research has been pioneering mathematical and scientific innovation for over three decades. Wolfram technologies are used in all the top colleges and universities in nearly every subject area.

What if I can't attend this program?

If you can't attend, we have other programs available online and in the USA. Girls and gender-nonconforming students in years 5–8 are welcome to attend our virtual Middle School Summer Camp in June. Students aged 14–17 are welcome to attend our residential Wolfram High School Summer Research Program, which takes place in Boston, Massachusetts, in July.