Wolfram Mentorships Program


Q: Who is the Wolfram Mentorships Program for?

It is primarily intended for high-school students, especially those who are looking for something beyond the ordinary. Anyone, including undergraduate and graduate students, can apply.

Q: Can I post my project on sites like GitHub?


Q: How much of a time commitment will be expected?

We expect students to spend at least 5–10 hours a week on their projects.

Q: Can I work on a project over the summer or other vacation times?

Yes. It is not necessary to align with the academic year.

Q: How long is the typical mentorship?

They typically last one semester, and range between 3–6 months.

Q: Can I propose my own project?

Yes. Criteria for a good project include making good use of Wolfram technology, being educational, and having the right scope.

Q: Do I have to propose my own project?

No, most are chosen from the list of Open Projects.

Q: Are all projects technical?

No. There are some on the list of Open Projects that don't involve programming, but technical projects are typically preferred.

Q: If my project leads to a business opportunity, can I pursue it on my own?

We encourage entrepreneurial projects.

Q: Do students get to interact with Stephen Wolfram?

There will be opportunities in group settings. For those with particularly interesting projects, there will be opportunities for personal meetings, usually by phone.

Q: How does this compare to the Wolfram Summer Programs?

Wolfram mentorship projects are longer term, more technological, and more immediately practical. These projects are also done remotely.

Q: Do I need to know the Wolfram Language?

Most projects require a working knowledge of the Wolfram Language, but the skill level required varies from beginner to experienced based on the project.

Q: Will I get credit at my school for these projects?

We will provide information if your school requests it in order for you to get credit. We can't guarantee that they will give you credit.

Q: Can I use my project for a science fair?

Yes, you can, subject to the rules of the science fair.

Q: Will the program help on a college application?

If you do a great project, it definitely should!

Q: Will I get paid?

No, this is an educational opportunity.

Q: Will this lead to a job?

You will gain valuable experience, but this is not a direct path to employment. There may be other programs more appropriate for job seekers. Wolfram Research has internships that are primarily intended for college and graduate students.

Q: What kind of feedback or grade will I get?

There will be no grades, but we will give you extensive feedback on your project.

Q: Do I need to be in the US?

No, but you need to be fluent in English, have an internet connection, and be available by phone.

Q: Can students work as a team?

Yes. Team projects will need a spokesperson.

Q: Are there organized lectures?

Most interaction is one-on-one, but lectures will be organized as appropriate.

For any other questions about the program, please email mentorships@wolfram.com.