A unique opportunity to fuel your intellectual curiosity by diving deep into your chosen field, accelerating your computational thinking and collaborating with the next generation of innovators, researchers and explorers.

The Wolfram Emerging Leaders Program (WELP) is designed to extend and elevate learning for students who successfully completed either the Wolfram High School Summer Research Program or the Wolfram Summer School. The program is remote, project based and centered on research and development.
Students enjoy close contact with Wolfram Research employees, meeting with innovators at the company to learn more about the advances Wolfram is making across multiple fields.
For high-school students, the Wolfram Emerging Leaders Program: High School (WELP:HS) provides a challenging, nurturing environment where students are encouraged to "fail fast, fail hard, iterate," completing outstanding projects in teams that complement each other's interests.
For undergraduates, the Wolfram Emerging Leaders Program: Undergraduate (WELP:U) launches students into independent project work supported by a research group comprised of passionate and energetic peers.
WELP provides the opportunity for students to dive deep into their chosen fields, learn research skills, gain exposure to innovative ideas and technology, and expand their ideas well beyond their school environments.

Stephen Wolfram
Chief Project Advisor
Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha and the Wolfram Language; the author of A New Kind of Science; the originator of the Wolfram Physics Project; and the founder and CEO of Wolfram Research. Over the course of more than four decades, he has been a pioneer in the development and application of computational thinking—and has been responsible for many discoveries, inventions and innovations in science, technology and business.

Rory Foulger
Rory joined Wolfram in 2019, and is currently the Pre-College Education Programs Manager. Rory graduated as part of the first graduating class at Minerva University, where they received a BS in computational sciences. While working at Wolfram, Rory gained their MA in education and technology from University College London. Rory's academic studies have focused on data science, statistics and designing software to improve educational experiences for gifted students. Rory is also the Program Director for the Wolfram High School Summer Research Program and the Wolfram Middle School Summer Camp. Rory is passionate about gifted education, radical pedagogy and youth justice.