Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

Wolfram Science Winter School

January 2–12, 2024


Lucas Salim

Class of 2023

Lucas is a Brazilian senior applied math major at UC Berkeley, California. He is interested in the subject of mathematics as a whole; from real world applications in physics and machine learning, to the most theoretical realm of its foundations. In Spring 2022, he worked as part of a Berkeley research group in analytic number theory (with applications to the Riemann Hypothesis), and has worked as a math tutor since his first college year. Besides math, he also has on hands experience in computer science and data science projects. In his free time, Lucas loves composing music and playing the piano (jazz, classical, pop, anything[Ellipsis]). He also enjoys playing soccer, table tennis, and studying philosophy.

Project: A Philosophical Analysis of The Physicalization of Metamathematics