Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

Wolfram Science Winter School

January 2–12, 2024


Simone Caletti

Class of 2021

Simone Caletti was born in Italy in 1994. He studied physics at the University of Genoa in Italy after earning his high-school diploma, and he got bachelor's and master's degrees in 2017 and 2019, respectively, both with honors. Currently, Simone is in the second year of his PhD in theoretical physics at the University of Genoa, where he is studying phenomenological aspects of QCD, in particular, the physics of hadronic jets. Simone is also interested in different aspects of fundamental physics even beyond particle phenomenology, for instance, general relativity and BSM physics, though always with an eye for pure mathematics.

Project: Towards a spin-statistics theorem for Wolfram model multiway systems