Wolfram Science Winter School
January 2–12, 2024
Chang Wu
Chang is currently working as an MCnet-ITN short-term student at the University of Göttingen. His field of investigation is precision calculations in quantum field theories, and in particular, he studies quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Before moving to Germany, Chang was a PhD candidate in theoretical particle physics at INFN Genova and a graduate student at SUNY Buffalo and IHEP Beijing. Much of the work during his PhD studies has centered around exploring novel approaches to probe color flow and the soft substructure of jets, which is beyond the traditional borders of perturbative quantum chromodynamics (pQCD), namely globalness and infrared and collinear (IRC) safety. His previous research topic, during the IHEP Beijing period, was related to formal theory inspired by standard model physics, such as asymmetry dark matter and black hole radiation via sparticle. Recently, Chang has accepted an offer for a postdoc position at Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, which will start in February 2021.