Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

Wolfram Summer School


Alexander Teretenkov

Summer School

Class of 2011


Alexander Teretenkov is an undergraduate student of the Physical Department of the Moscow State University. His main interests are statistical physics and the quantum field theory. He is the Russian president’s “Support for talented youth” prize winner. Several times he won the regional and all-Russia competitions in physics. In 2008 he took the prize of the all-Russia competition of students’ scientific papers “Junior” within the framework of the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF, mathematics section). For three years he participated in a special program of training would-be scientists (physics and mathematics) at the Foundation for Fundamental Physics Support (magna cum laude) and won the grant of this foundation.

Project: 2-Dimensional Block Cellular Automata and Conservation Laws

We will consider 2-dimensional block cellular automata (BCA) with intentions to meet simple physical requirements such as reversibility and space isotropy. Along with general study of the whole class of 2×2-neighborhood BCA, several rule subspaces that meet physical criteria will be studied. It is also interesting to examine the possibility of the energy conservation expressed in terms of local rules. The energy function is set by the Ising model. Interpretation of domain, oscillating, particle and other patterns in terms of physical phenomena were studied. Some statements about impossibility of energy conservation laws expressed by 2D 2×2 BCA local rules were proved and verified experimentally with filtration methods.

Project-Related Demonstrations

Two-Dimensional Block Cellular Automata with a 2×2 Neighborhood

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Favorite Four-Color Totalistic Cellular Automaton

Rule 794382